Friday, October 9, 2009

1st Alternative Blog Awards unveiled

The Philippine Blog Awards (PBA) gives out over a dozen of awards at its annual show: Best in Personal, Best in Commentary, Best in News & Media, etc. Yet there are countless blogs that also deserve recognition. But unfortunately those blogs do not make it to the PBA simply because they do not fall under any of the PBA’s category. It’s difficult to determine whether they belong to the Personal Category, News & Media, or Gaming.

I propose, then, the following categories in the interest of giving recognition to other deserving blogs. These awards will be given at the 1st Alternative Blog Awards (ABA).

Best Stagnant Blog

This award is given to a blog that doesn’t get past its maiden post. In short, after its owner made a post or two, the blogger didn’t show up anymore. The blogger just left his blog as if it were a used diaper ready to be devoured by the askals.

Best Laconic Blog

This award is given to a blog whose blog entries contain a line or two—a la Twitter or Facebook status. This blog’s owner is perhaps crippled by that great stumbling block: the writer’s block. Or it could be that the guiding principle of the blogger is “Less is more.”

Best Reclusive Blog

This award is given to a blog that has long been ignored by the blogosphere. No-one’s commenting in it. It doesn’t receive some hits. It’s blogroll is empty. It’s not on the radar of the bloggers. In short, it’s paradoxically connected but disconnected.

Best Congenial Blog

This award is given to a blog whose owner doesn’t mind his/her blog entries. All the blogger does is paste badges, badges, and badges. The blogger just keeps on expanding his/her blogroll. The blogger has many affiliations. The blogger enlists himself in every cause—worthy and its opposite.

Best Sporadic Blog

This award is given to a blog that is updated—you guess it right—sporadically. The owner of this blog updates his/her blog once or twice a month, or once in two months.

Best Rebellious Blog

This award is given to a blog whose owner is so rebellious that he even defies the rules of grammar.

Best Publicly-Private Blog

This award is given to a blog whose owner shares the most private details of his/her life, badmouths his/her girlfriend/boyfriend, and swears that his/her teacher sucks. On the web!

Best Omnipresent Blog

This award is given to a blog that is present in nearly every blog’s blogroll. You can also find the owner of this blog in nearly every blogger’s post, commenting and asking you to add him/her in your blogroll.

Best Omniscient Blog

This award is given to a blog that offers instant analysis on just about everything that happens in the Philippines, in Asia, or in the world–—from the devastating effects of typhoon Ondoy to the latest episode of PBB Double Up.

Best Omnipotent Blog

This award is given to a blog that is so powerful that even a single dim-witted post can generate up to 400 or more comments from the readers.

Nominate your or others' blogs now. If the blog is qualified in all 10 categories, then nominate it. The more, as they say, the merrier.


  1. Lol, without a doubt I will unanimously win a couple of the given categories.

  2. i already added u too ... i had so much fun with our PBA viewing kahit nakaka stress coz we waited like 100 yrs :p .. hope we all make it again next year.. God bless!

  3. hmmm...may i know what categories could those be.

  4. so had i. yes, i hope that we could make it next year. and i hope, too, that PBA can make it less stressful for us who will be watching the awarding online.
