Those in the field of education know very well that 'tis the profession that is fraught with so daunting a task that if one were not to take an occasional break, one would surely be stressed out. Sometimes, it takes nothing less than a trip somewhere else to renew the energy and vigor that teachers badly need to face a new set of challenges the new school year might present.
One such trip took place on June 08, 2012. To have their Socialization, teachers, administrators, and staff of Stella Maris Academy of Davao went to Matin-ao Inland Resort, New Corella, Davao del Norte. There, the teachers and staff gamely participated in the activities the Socials Committee prepared.
In the beginning of the program, all the eight Emmaus groups presented their impromptu yet entertaining cheers and yells. Then the parlor games ensued. All enjoyed playing such games as “Bandaging” where they demonstrated what they learned from the First Aid Training they had; “Ipasok mo, Baby” where they had to string using a yarn all the members of the group while in the on the swimming pool; and “Isda Me?” where they had to swim and get as much Bingo tiles as they could.
The Socialization lasted only a day. Yet one could see that everybody came home not with a sense of regret, but with a sense of joy and fulfillment. For, it’s not everyday that they get to relax from their tedious work.
Why did I read this just now? Anyway, despite being non-Marisian at present (so to speak), I felt happy that you were able to have your socialization outside Davao City. That's already an 'achievement.' Your photos could also tell that you enjoyed -- if not all, at least most of you. Congrats on your "opening salvo" of the school year. Congrats, Nyot! That's a good start of your career as a Socials Committee Chairperson. LOL =)) God bless!