Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Meh! Meh! Meh!

Two years ago, Hector Bryant L. Macale of Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility blogged about “the increasing importance of society pages to newspaper publishers and/or editors.” Then he asked if we are “seeing similar trends in the other sections, especially the youth?”


Today, a reader in the Inquirer dished out a mouthful of criticisms against society pages parading the profligacy of the upper crust, unmindful of the millions who live in “abject poverty and destitution.” The situation seems akin to what the lunatic Roman Emperor Nero did in the past: fiddling while Rome is burning.


How would the “socialites” react to these criticisms? I venture to speculate that they would simply say, Meh! Meh! Meh!


Early this month, Collins English Dictionary included the word “meh” in its 30th anniversary edition. “Meh” is defined as an interjection for indifference or lack of interest.


Telling them that they should not flaunt their flamboyant lifestyle because many are living in abject poverty and destitution? Like Bart and Lisa who were invited to a trip by their father Bert (the three are all characters in “The Simpsons”), they would just reply, Meh! Meh! Meh!    

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